Feed profit

Feed profit

The Internet cost, or Fit, is a special government subsidy that can be used to install solar panels to provide energy for families. The plan was first launched in April 2010 to raise people’s awareness of clean and renewable energy and encourage more people to invest in solar panels. The feed in price can finally make money by purchasing solar panels to produce renewable energy. This money provides an additional incentive for the energy cost of solar energy conservation. Since it is less dependent on the national grid, the network cost is actually a clean energy cash return plan.

Who is entitled to the Internet fee?

To qualify for the project, you must use specific forms of renewable energy at home. So far, the most popular renewable energy power generation method in China is to use solar panels. But wind and hydropower systems and other rare zero carbon to low carbon technologies are also within the scope of the plan.

The application needs to be installed in the United Kingdom, and attached with the electricity meter approved by the government. Almost all types of commercial or residential real estate are eligible, provided that the power system generates less than 5 MW.

The plan was not launched until April 2010, but since July 2009, anyone who installs solar panel systems is eligible to receive full subsidies from Internet fees. For the old system built previously, you can use the Internet cost to reduce the cost. If you have installed solar panels for quite some time, you can still not miss them.

How much money can my solar panel make?

How much you earn depends on the type of technology you use, the date of installation, and the amount of electricity generated. The average power generation capacity of household solar power generation devices is between 2 and 4 kilowatts. For those in this range, as of May 2013, the power generation capacity was 15.44 pence per kilowatt hour. This is about 63% lower than the interest rate paid in 2011. Although the interest rate may fluctuate significantly, the participants in the project can get a total of 20 years of payment.

At present, a typical three bedroom house with a 3kW solar panel system is expected to be able to generate sufficient electricity, cut their electricity bills by 50% and get nearly 400 pounds a year from online electricity bills. At this rate, the initial investment can usually be completed within 8 or 9 years. After that, unless your home consumes a lot of electricity, you are likely to make a profit. In addition, installing solar panels can also improve energy efficiency and add value to families.

To better understand how much power you can save and how much money you can get from the Fit project, check out one of several online Internet chargers.

How to apply for internet fees

Before applying for Internet access fees, you must confirm that you are qualified to install solar panels. An authorized company is required to install the system specifically, and the company can also provide proof of compliance with all standards specified in the Micro Generation Certification Scheme (MCS).

You must contact the power supplier to obtain the required documents and take the following measures when the solar panel installation starts and is running: Alternatively, you can switch to a new vendor. In most cases, it uses part of the national grid, so switching to a new supplier can save more costs. No matter which energy supplier is used, the organization can pay for the Internet.